Environmental Advantages of Whiteboard Paint Over Traditional Whiteboards

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Environmental Advantages of Whiteboard Paint Over Traditional Whiteboards

Environmental Advantages of Whiteboard Paint Over Traditional Whiteboards

Traditional Whiteboards Vs. ReMARKable Whiteboard Painted Walls: Using ReMARKable whiteboard painted walls as opposed to traditional small whiteboards provides a wide array of advantages for your office, business, or school, but for the purposes of this article, we’ll focus primarily on the numerous environmental benefits.

Eliminate Waste with Whiteboard Painted Walls

First, applying whiteboard paint to walls eliminates a great deal of waste because nothing needs to be disposed of prior to painting. Small whiteboards, on the other hand, are passed on from one user to the next and can easily get dirty and scratched to the point where they need to be regularly replaced, typically ending up in landfills. Switching to the use of whiteboard paint on your walls thus greatly decreases the amount of unnecessary trash created by using and discarding old or damaged small whiteboards.

Whiteboard Painted Walls Help Foster Creativity

Another reason to switch to whiteboard painted walls is that they foster creativity among students and office staff. With whiteboard walls, there is no room for posters, paintings, or other items to be hung up, so teachers often fill classroom wall space with fun drawings or writings and let their students add their own contributions as well. Business leaders also often express their creativity by writing rules, reminders, or inspiring quotes in the corners of whiteboard painted walls for their employees. In addition, conventional whiteboards need a place to be stored, while with whiteboard walls, there is no need to store anything. ReMARKable whiteboards, therefore, lead to more efficient use of space, which also benefits our environment.

Less Use of Tech Devices

Having walls that can be written and drawn on decreases the need to use technological devices such as tablets, laptops, and desktop computers, offering another ecological benefit. Slideshows and PowerPoint presentations aren’t necessary when you can create lively interactive demonstrations that are even easier for employees or students to engage with. This is significant because lessening the amount of technology needed to be productive in business and other fields is highly beneficial for the environment. Producing metal-encased computers and other electronic equipment requires resource- and energy-intensive processes that add greatly to the critical rise of global warming. Also, saving time and energy for yourself and your employees saves you money and helps to limit the amount of pollution you release into the environment.

Decreasing the amount of e-waste also benefits Third World countries’ environmental health, which typically have few or no regulations on pollution control. When computers and other types of technological devices become obsolete or unusable, they’re typically trashed and sent to these countries, where they’re often improperly stored and managed. Toxic waste and chemicals emitted from these devices then leak into the surrounding environment, causing disastrous consequences for local plant life, animals, and human residents. The Global E-Waste Monitor estimates that of the 44.7 million metric tons of electronic waste generated annually, 76% or 34.1 million metric tons are disposed of in unregulated ways such as dumping in landfills or recycling in inferior conditions, causing it to seep into our soil, air, and water. In areas near these e-waste landfills, local residents deal with many deadly health issues due to the pollution. This process especially harms children because youngsters are often sent into the dumps to salvage parts that can be sold by their impoverished parents for profit. Exposure to the hazardous waste produced by the reckless disposal of old technology can thus lead to cancer and other negative health consequences for our fellow human beings. This problem needs to be avoided at all costs and can be helped through the use of eco-friendly whiteboard painted walls.

Many schools and businesses still rely heavily on using small whiteboards in their classrooms and offices, and as with reducing e-waste, another way to diminish the use of landfills and help the environment is to switch to whiteboard painted walls. Some schools need hundreds upon hundreds of traditional whiteboards to teach their students and keep them actively engaged in their studies. By covering classroom walls with whiteboard paint, the need for these old-style whiteboards will be eliminated, and the students will receive a better education because whiteboard painted walls allow for greater flexibility and creative expression for both teachers and students. Children are the future of our civilization, and any tool that can help to educate them in an effective and environmentally sound way will benefit the world immensely in coming decades. Whiteboard painted walls also indirectly enable more kids to learn about global warming and other environmental concerns, which can urge them to one day help change society for the better.

Replace chalkboards with Whiteboard Painted Walls

Moreover, whiteboard walls can replace the chalkboards still being used by some educators, which will have tremendous and immediate environmental benefits. Chalk has long been accepted as a safe way of writing in the classroom, but people commonly ignore the fact that chalk dust significantly decreases the air quality of a room. Chalk can irritate the eyes and skin of whomever it comes in contact with and can even cause respiratory problems if inhaled on a daily basis. Many teachers and schools have implemented the use of small whiteboards to avoid the use of chalkboards, but having an entire classroom wall that can be used as a whiteboard is a much more convenient and effective way to communicate information to students.

Whiteboard Walls allow for Safer Dry Erase Markers

The dry erase markers used for writing on ReMARKable whiteboards are much safer for the environment than chalk, and the air is much safer to inhale when they’re used daily, as they are among many of our nation’s teachers and students. Unlike markers used with small whiteboards, the markers used with ReMARKable whiteboards don’t produce volatile organic compounds (VOCs). Reducing the production of VOCs is vital to enhancing public health because research indicates that long-term exposure to these chemicals can cause damage to the liver, kidneys, and central nervous system, as well as cancer. Also, people suffering from asthma may be especially susceptible to the effects of VOCs.

Less Paper Production

Implementing the use of ReMARKable whiteboard painted walls instead of conventional small whiteboards also reaps great benefits for the environment as it decreases the manufacture of paper products. Paper is required to make traditional whiteboards, and the small size and limited writing space of these boards also encourage the use of paper products such as notebooks, note pads, and binder paper. All of this paper use contributes greatly to the ongoing and growing problem of global deforestation. Even though recycling may seem like an easy fix for this issue, recycled paper products are often contaminated with compounds such as bisphenol A (BPA), a chemical with possible adverse health effects on the brains and prostate glands of fetuses, babies, and children. BPA can also affect children’s behavior and may lead to high blood pressure.

Avoid the Need for Paper Recycling

Paper recycling requires bleaching and pulping, which release contaminated wastewater into our air and water supply. Using whiteboard painted walls lessens the number of highly toxic chemicals created during the recycling process and indirectly raises our freshwater quality. The lifespan of ReMARKable whiteboard walls is also much longer than that of traditional small whiteboards. Over time, they help prevent large amounts of unusable boards from being dumped into landfills, many of which are now at or near their full capacity in the US.

Whiteboard Painted Walls Save Money

While the primary purpose of this piece is to inform you about the host of environmental benefits related to ReMARKable whiteboard painted walls, they offer many economic advantages as well. For example, whiteboard walls help save money that you can use to spread public awareness of the many pressing environmental issues facing our planet today.

Therefore, considering the convenience of use, financial positives, and of course, the many environmental benefits of ReMARKable whiteboard painted walls, in a hypothetical competition between traditional small whiteboards and modern whiteboard walls, ReMARKable takes first prize in all categories.


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Environmental Advantages of Whiteboard Paint
Learn about the environmental advantages of whiteboard paint over traditional whiteboards. Brought to you by ReMARKable Whiteboard Paint.
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ReMARKable Whiteboard Paint
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Posted: December 21, 2020


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